Pay your bills online anytime, anywhere with Ocean Financial’s bill pay* feature, available with Online and Mobile Banking. Members must be enrolled in Online or Mobile Banking and must have a Checking Account to utilize.
- Schedule one time or recurring payments
- Set up reminders for when a payment is due
- Track and view bill history
- Categorize your bills to create a household budget
Did you know that if you have a paper bill, you can turn it into an electronic biller that can be paid in just a few taps in Mobile Banking? With Bill Capture, it’s just that easy:

Just tap to take a picture, then position your phone so your entire bill is visible within the window.
If a field can’t be read, you can simply fill in the missing information. Then, save your bill. How easy is that? If you’re ready to pay it, select the delivery date and delivery method.
Next, review your information and pay it. THAT’S IT!
Bill Capture – It’s the easy way to turn paper bills into electronic biller.
Enroll in Online Banking
*In order to use Online Bill Pay, a member must have an Ocean Financial Checking account and be enrolled for Online or Mobile Banking.