Give your savings a boost...

with our 6-Month Certificate!

Start building your wealth with an Ocean Financial Share Certificate Account.

  • Choose terms ranging from 6-months to 5-years.
  • Fixed rate is higher than a Regular Share Account for the term of the certificate.
  • Minimum deposit of $500 required to open.
  • At maturity, choose to roll the money over to a new certificate or withdraw the funds.
  • Earn even more when you "ladder" your cerficates. Learn more about a Certificate Ladder Strategy here!
6-Month Certificate
Piggy on a rocket


Speak with a Loan Officer. Call 516-453-6023.

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield.  Rate effective as of 11/04/24.  Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Offers may be for a limited time only. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account. $5 minimum deposit required for Share Account prior to opening a Certificate. $500 minimum deposit required to open Certificate.  Penalty may apply for early withdrawals from Certificate. For more information, please speak with a Member Service Representative at Ocean Financial.